
Old North News

Tuesday, March 18, 2025

CITY OF WHITEVILLE: Whiteville expected to okay downtown broadband contract


City of Whiteville issued the following announcement.

Whiteville City Council is expected to enter into a contract with Open Broadband, LLC, of Waxhaw to install a free-to-use public wi-fi system downtown funded by a grant from the NC Hometown Strong program.

Total installation and configuration costs of the broadband system, including towers and up to 40 downtown locations, with Open Broadband owning the equipment, are expected to be $14,000. Bandwidth will be provided at 200 Mbps or $17,400 annually and at 400 Mbps for $20,400. Bandwidth will be provided under a three-year fixed price agreement with the option for the city to renew at the end of the agreement for half price. Monthly charges for Whiteville could be reduced through the sale of advertisements, proceeds of which would be split between the city and Open Broadband.

Council will conduct a public hearing on a request by Suzanne Collier Royal for the rezoning of a lot at 213 Burkhead St. from R-12 (residential) to B-3 (business) and, later in the meeting, make a decision on the request. The property, about one-third acre, has been used in the past for commercial purposes but that use ceased several years ago. Properties immediately adjacent on three sides are zoned B-3, while properties on the fourth side are zoned residential. Documents in the agenda packet say that city staff have concluded that the proposed rezoning is consistent with the future land use plan and “suitable and reasonable” with the surrounding area.

Tweaking of an amendment approved last month to the police department’s allocated position/classification plan to correlate with the approved program is also on the agenda. The career development program includes Master Police I, II and III, so the positions of police corporal and police administrative specialist do not need to be funded because they are incorporated into the career development program.

Council will be asked to consider four budget amendments: Amendment #1 in the amount of $280,830 is related to the city’s vehicle order rolling over from the FYE2020 budget due to manufacturing delays. The second amendment, $69,641, is related to closing out the Hurricane Matthew Fund and moving its fund balance to the General Fund. Amendment #3 for $2,138 and recognizes insurance proceeds from damages sustained to Fire Engine #2, while amendment #4 of $44,200 establishes a special project fund for the Downtown Master Development Plan Project from USDA grant proceeds.

Jean Creech and Amanda Worley, representing the Major General Robert Howe chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution will give a presentation, after which council is expected to declare Sept. 17-23 as Constitution Week in Whiteville.

Finally, council is expected to go into closed session to talk about two matters: a legal action in which Raquay Eddie sued the city and police officer Joe Atkinson for a 2018 incident in which Eddie claimed to have suffered injuries at the hands of city police, and to talk about the acquisition of real property by purchase, option, exchange or lease.

Whiteville City Council will vote on contract with Open Broadband, LLC, of Waxhaw to install a free-to-use public wi-fi system downtown funded by a grant from the NC Hometown Strong program.

Original source can be found here.