Steve Troxler, Commissioner | North Carolina Department Of Agriculture & Consumer Services
Steve Troxler, Commissioner | North Carolina Department Of Agriculture & Consumer Services
Many residents in North Carolina rely on wood-burning stoves and fireplaces during the winter months. The N.C. Forest Service has issued a reminder to these individuals, emphasizing the importance of not discarding hot ashes or coals into wooded areas. "If you do, you’re risking not only your home, but your neighbor’s as well," warns the service.
The warning comes after multiple wildfires erupted across several counties in Western North Carolina due to improper disposal of hot ashes from such stoves and fireplaces. Despite recent cold weather conditions, factors like low humidity and dry fuels can lead to rapid wildfire spread, posing risks to both lives and property.
A straightforward preventive measure is suggested by the N.C. Forest Service: proper disposal of stove ashes. This involves soaking them in water within a metal bucket and stirring them or ensuring they are placed in areas where wind cannot carry them to flammable materials like leaves or pine needles.
For further information on fire safety and wildfire prevention, individuals are encouraged to visit Additionally, tips for creating defensible spaces around homes can be found at