
Old North News

Thursday, September 19, 2024

OPINION: Three North Carolina questions for Kamala Harris


Steve Cortes

Steve Cortes

Kamala Harris travels to North Carolina tomorrow, here are three questions she should be asked:

Shouldn’t NC citizens be protected from dangerous illegal migrants?

In North Carolina, many illegal migrants commit additional crimes after breaking into our country, receive actual protection from deportation in so-called “sanctuary” jurisdictions. Such politically-correct nonsense policies certainly do not provide any “sanctuary” for the cops and victims that have to deal with known dangerous border trespassers who are allowed to effectively hide in plain sight.

Consider the horrific North Carolina case of illegal migrant Oscar Pacheco-Leonardo. He was arrested and charged with the horrific crimes of rape and indecent liberties with a child. Following his arrest, ICE issued a detainer request to place him into federal custody, for eventual removal after his trial and any incarceration. ICE had previously deported him in 2006. But instead of cooperating with federal law enforcement, Mecklenburg County ignored the ICE request and actually released this child-abusing, illegal migrant monster back into the community. Thankfully, ICE captured him independently, before he could terrorize more North Carolinians. 

Kamala Harris supports “sanctuary” policies. Why would North Carolina’s legal citizens trust her as vice-president, and as a potential president?

Why did Kamala Harris raise money to bail out attempted cop-killers?  

The overwhelming preponderance of police unions and organizations in America endorse President Trump for re-election. Large law enforcement groups enthusiastically line up in public support of Trump, including the Fraternal Order of Police, to the National Association of Police Organizations, and the National Border Patrol Council. Police back Trump because he backs them. 

But in North Carolina, the city of Asheville has already slashed its police budget and will soon vote on entirely defunding its police department. In reaction, 31 police officers recently quit the force, 18 of them were senior officers. Joe Biden has played word games with the defund-the-police movement, declaring that he would “absolutely” approve of “redirecting” funding. 

Regarding disrespect for police, Kamala Harris needs to answer to North Carolinians about why she used her twitter account with 5.7 million followers to solicit donations to the Minnesota Freedom Fund following the Twin Cities riots. Among the many dangerous criminals freed on bail by that fund was Jaleel Stallings, charged with attempted murder for firing shots at St. Paul police officers. Various Biden campaign staffers also openly boasted about contributing to this same fund. Can brave police officers across America trust Biden and Harris?

Why should North Carolina retreat backward to economic globalism?

Kamala’s running mate Biden has spent nearly a half century in the Washington swamp, and he’s been a true Delaware senator, representing the interests of giant multinational corporations and the prerogatives of foreign governments, to the detriment of American workers, especially industrial workers in places like North Carolina. Key industries like furniture manufacturing and textiles were gutted in the Carolinas. Specifically, Biden was a foremost proponent of the disastrous NAFTA agreement in 1994. From the ratification of NAFTA until President Trump’s election, North Carolina lost a staggering 354,400 manufacturing jobs. Thankfully, President Trump renegotiated that terrible trade deal and replaced it with the USMCA pact which prioritizes American workers. 

Harris’s running mate was also the best friend the tyrants of Beijing could ever ask for in Washington. As senator and as vice-president, he aggressively pushed China’s inclusion into the World Trade Organization and enabled the Chinese Communist Party’s systematic abuse of American workers through trade practices that were predatory, not reciprocal, and even outright criminal. 

According to a study from the Economic Policy Institute, the state of North Carolina lost 130,800 jobs due to the disastrous trade structures with China that Biden facilitated. While the CCP plundered American technology and destroyed American manufacturing jobs, Joe Biden had the gall to praise China, saying in 2011 that “a rising China is a positive, positive development, not only for China, but for America.” As then-Vice President Biden uttered that Pollyanna nonsense to his Davos-credentialed CEO fanboys, America’s industrial heartland endured devastation. 

Biden’s own family prospered though, as his wayward son Hunter traveled with his father on an official vice-presidential visit to China aboard Air Force Two. After meetings with officials of the Chinese regime, Hunter secured a massive $1.5 billion investment in his private equity fund, even though the younger Biden had no track record in that industry. 

Just recently, Biden and Harris promised to remove the tariffs that President Trump imposed on Chinese goods, without requiring any accommodation on the part of Beijing. Biden in the White House would send America back to globalism, and back to a position of economic supplication to China. Clearly, Harris and Biden prioritizes places like Shanghai over places like Charlotte.

– Steve Cortes is Senior Advisor for Strategy to the Trump Campaign.